Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Are you a “survivor”
simply because you outlive them?

Does longevity make you the winner?

They stay, like it or not.
Dead or alive.

They stay.

They’re the operating system.
Can you re-write the software?


Charli Cole said...

Um...speaking frankly, I'm a bit lost on this one. Yet, I know how deep and insightful you are...exploring depths I more than likely will never be able to explore.

So, hopefully you can explain this one to me. :)

By the way, thanks for visiting my blog again, luv. And thanks so much for the wonderful advice. You should be a therapist.

Chat you up soon.

Have a good one and take care.

Concetta said...

Cali -
Don't know how deep or insightful I am! I actually wrote this for you - since you had me thinking about surviving. When I said "Dysfunctinal Family Survivors Unite!" to you, you said you weren't sure you were surviving yours yet. Well, the fact is, I'm not sure I have either. I just outlived them. Maybe that's the real trick to it? But even though I'm still here and they're not, they still wander around in my brain and behavior - in my software. Maybe it's possible to write over the software? It's a hope anyway. It's the only way I'll (we'll) get new Operating Systems.

So as "They" tritely say, "Live long and prosper."


Charli Cole said...


I get it, luv.

So, I should simply look forward to their deaths then?


Just kidding.

Well, you definitely have a way with words and metaphors. I can say that. :)

Have a great night.

Hugs right back at ya!

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