Kinda cool. The last word of every stanza is the same word w one letter taken away. ("Plash" is a synonym for "Splash.) So: Plash, Lash, Ash, Sh. The other words are disturbing too (sorry!) as you realize they describe blood coming from a wound as someone dies. In the end, there's nothing left but diminishing death. Kinda depressing, but I love the word play.
Um...I believe this is another one I'm going to need explaining on, Concetta.
My goodness. You make me feel so dumb.
Just kidding.
Hope you're having a great day.
Take care, luv.
Cali -
Kinda cool. The last word of every stanza is the same word w one letter taken away. ("Plash" is a synonym for "Splash.) So: Plash, Lash, Ash, Sh. The other words are disturbing too (sorry!) as you realize they describe blood coming from a wound as someone dies. In the end, there's nothing left but diminishing death. Kinda depressing, but I love the word play.
Still in Boston. Back Tuesday.
Hope you're having fun, girl!
Hugs - C
My take on it was a battered woman finally being killed by her abuser.
Nicely done.
Dear M.E. -
Exactly so. Thanks!
BTW, I love wandering around your sites. Thanks for them.
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