Ten Things I Never Thought I’d Do:
1. Use my blog as a tell-all journal (I did, according to my 2/13/2007 post and it looks as though this embarrassing trend may continue.)
2. Live overseas. (I taught English in Korea when I was young(er) and still thought the world wanted me to save it. I later learned it didn’t and I couldn’t, but it was a fun time never-the-less.)
3. Cut my hair. (I did in January - ten inches! - and even think it looks rather cute. Perhaps even a bit cosmopolitan. Still, it’s weird to wash and brush … seems to stop long before my brush thinks it should, and so it keeps on brushing even after the hair stops. Silly.)
4. Ride motorcycles. (I do, and seriously love them. Love them enough to buy my own a few years ago. Vroom vroom. An intoxicating mix of freedom and speed, privacy and exhibitionism, as you slice through time astride a rumbling, tooth-shattering roar, whilst enveloped in a cone of silence.)
5. Have my voice be recognized throughout a goodly portion of the US and a pretty fair share of Asia and Europe. (Around the globe, recordings of my disembodied voice instruct and exhort listeners to press 2 for a name directory and 0 for help – as though anyone is really listening anyway.)
6. Be owned by another cat. (I’m allergic, but she was cute and I had a mouse in the house. She swiftly dispatched the mouse – naming herself “Assassin” for it. Well, “Sassy” for short. The mouse is gone but the cat’s still happily here, tormenting the dog who owns me and purring.)
7. Drink steaming tea in London and slurp noodles in Seoul. Eat sushi in Tokyo and salmon in Anchorage. Eat wedges of golden gouda in Amsterdam and spicy chuchitos in Guatemala City. Eat Madeleines in Paris and wild boar in Umbria. (No explanation needed. Travel lust periodically grabs me by the throat.)
8. Fall in love … again.
9. Move 3,000 miles away from the people and places I love in order to live in the opposite side of this vast country where I knew no one – except one very special person. An alien, east coast snob adrift in the friendly, straight forward west.
10. Live happily ever after.
So I better tell you the next part of the story soon.
I start my new job in a week and am eagerly scared of it. Scared that it will take a lot of time and energy. Scared that I’ll neglect the blog and my blog friends as I have this past week. I’ve been reading and learning and trying to get a head start on this supersized, yummy new job.
I’ll go write the next part of the story soon. I promise. In the meantime, tell me about the things you never thought YOU’D do…
sounds intriguing & like a hapy ending to me. Can't wait to hear it.
I hope the new job is all you want it to be & you will find time to keep in touch now & then.x
delightful reading!
things I thought i would never do -
ahem...seriously - i believe i can
and will do everything - include
start reading your fabulous
blog every day!!
P - I'm so grateful for your friendship and support. Thanks!
S - Try everything twice - and love it both times!
i love your #5 and #7...and of course #8.
i never thought...never thought i would teach a college course (since i never went to college). never thought i would end up going to a gym every day and twice a day and love it (which everyone will read about in my book Body Love about falling in love with your own self). never thought i would love living alone and never thought i would be so impossibly busy once my kids grew up and left. never thought i would be so deeply content with me and with life. and, like sophie, never thought i would do some of the things i can't mention here....
hello Concetta,
i like your blog! you sound really interesting. i will travel one day.
two things i thought i would NEVER do
1. be a stay at home mon to 6 kids.
2. blog and meet fascinating people from all over the world.
good for you on the new job!
Darling, I am so fascinated by your #5 - your voice must be so lovely.
Also, I think you need to add to your food list: eating harira in Marrakech...
Maryam -
Ahhhhhhhhh. What a glorious idea! I would so love to REALLY visit you instead of my usual virtual vacations. And frankly, right now I could use a bit of sunshine. By the end of February I'm pretty tired of the snow and cold.
The voice ... well. I do a lot of voiceovers for radio and for the telecommunications industry. AT&T and the like have made me recognizable, if not famous. "To listen to your messages, press one. For user options, press 2. For help, press three." If only life were so easy. I'd press three for help every day!
XXOO - Concetta
Lovely post, such a nice introduction to your blog :) Look forward to many more visits.
I think you also need to eat saffron pancakes with cloudberries in Sweden and moon cakes in Istanbul...
Thank you for visiting me and for your kind and thoughtful words.
WG - Wow. Even the name "cloudberries" make them sound luscious! If I could have just one wish, it would be to travel the world, discovering new places and people and food. Thanks.
- Concetta
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