Saturday, January 27, 2007


Once, in a rush
She wore two different

Color sox.

They matched perfectly.

It was her style.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I *adored* this. It made me think of me. I do that all the time:-)

PS Thank you so much for your vote and your words of support on my blog. I am not sure that I have much of a chance. I am pretty much of a nobody in the blogosphere. But here's to trying!

PS I am linking you and creating a new category on my side blog - you'll be the first!

Sparx said...

Hi - I love your blog! Thanks for the vote as well - shame you're not in the running.

C was given a whole box of socks, none of them match on purpose but they all sort of go together. I love that.

Concetta said...

MM -

My new resolution is to learn how to accomplish links and other blog magic. I'll learn soon - promise!

Here's to spontaneity!

S -

Yep, life's pretty mix and match!

Hope you both win your categories - both blogs are treats!

Hugs - Concetta